Daria’s Blog

A journey into the mind of a normal gal… Well..

South Beach Diet ReStart February 16, 2009

Filed under: diet — Daria @ 9:21 pm
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My first attempt at this South Beach Diet thing was last monday.  It started out pretty well, but quickly fell to pieces when my friends decided to go out for a couple of beers.  (Yeah, I’m a beer girl.)

So, I – as some dieters do – chalked the week up to a wash and focused on starting today.  I did my best to keep away from the breads (in fact, I haven’t had any since last week, which is great!) and potatoes, and anything else that was kind of high in the carb department.  I stayed away from the Valentine’s Day candies for most of Friday (when the office cupids hit us with the message hearts, chocolates and lollipops).  So Saturday and yesterday were all for me.

I ate what I wanted, drank what I wanted and had a Mardi Gras of my own!  Well, minus the boobs and beads….

Anyway, today I have been fantastic!  I had my breakfast of a piece of turkey meat and a quiche cup (Delish!), and for lunch some eggplant stuffed with beef and a hard boiled egg.  I think I may eat a string cheese when I am done with this post, but for now, I’m okay.

When I get home, I am either going to make some chicken to eat with some veggies, or take one of the beef stuffed eggplants home for dinner!  However, I should probably do the chicken thing, since the future hubby needs to eat too.  I guess.  I wish he would diet with me, but I can’t force him.  I can only cook and hope he likes what is put in front of him. 

But as of right now – 4:15 pm EST, I am feeling great!  No hunger pangs, no cravings, nothing!  Yee haw!

Let’s see if it lasts when I go home and try to fix my computer.  THAT is the true test….


2 Responses to “South Beach Diet ReStart”

  1. darialettic Says:

    Thank you for checking out my blog! I tried starting the diet last week, but failed (as I wrote), but since my restart – I would love to see how others handle this diet as well. I’ll have to take a look at yours and maybe we can be some virtual motivation for each other! =)

  2. godthanatos Says:

    I too am starting South Beach. I’m not sure if it can be called re-starting since the last time I did it was 3 years ago :-/ First thing tomorrow morning I am on the South Beach wagon! I’, keeping a blog to monitor how I’m doing. Will be cool to check in with your blog as well. Good luck!!

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